What Deficiency Causes Cold Hands And Feet? Preventions And Remedies

December 02 2022 – Nysh Website

cold hands and feet, woman holding a mug
cold hands and feet, woman holding a mug

Complex yet fascinating - the human body can often be full of surprises. Did you know that our body temperature tends to change depending on the weather? No, we aren’t making this up. Usually, in winter, the blood flow in the body helps to keep your body warm because of the cool temperature. This in turn makes your hands and feet colder from the outside. But there’s no reason to worry, this is absolutely normal.

Here’s an interesting fact - there are people who have cold hands and feet throughout. Their body temperature is constantly cold in a natural way without having any disease. However, in some cases, it might be a deficiency that’s leading to your body being cold. So what deficiency causes cold hands and feet? Read on to know more about its preventions, remedies and more.

cold hands and feet, woman holding a mug to feel warm

What Are The Causes Of Cold Hands And Feet

1. Anemia

The body tissues might seem quite demanding but not without good reason. All they ask for is a sufficient amount of energy from the red blood cells. And Anemia is nothing but the failure of red blood cells to provide energy to your body. It also indicates low hemoglobin making you weak and tired. 

Some other symptoms of anemia would be headaches, cold hands, and feet, dizziness, pain in the chest, irregular heartbeat, etc. Just know that these symptoms could apply to different types of anemia, such as aplastic anemia, iron deficiency anemia and sickle cell anemia, among a few others. 

There is no one answer to how anemia can be treated, but some anemia deficiencies like iron anemia and vitamin deficiency anemia can be prevented by eating the right foods that have iron, vitamins B-12, vitamins C, and folate. If the case worsens, then make sure you see a doctor as soon as possible.

2. Diabetes

Any chronic disease that makes you curb your love for sweets can be considered as the cruelest. While diabetes is caused by the rise in your blood sugar levels, it can have far reaching implications if not managed well. This applies to each category - Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. If not treated, diabetes can really damage your nerves, kidneys, eyes, and other organs. 

If you experience extreme hunger, weight loss, fatigue and blurry visions, chances are, you might have diabetes. Some other symptoms of diabetes are feeling incessantly thirsty every now and then, urinating frequently, and having wounds that don’t heal. Fortunately though, with just regular exercising, eating healthy food and avoiding smoking, you can reduce the chances of getting diabetes or controlling it.

diabetes, cold hands and feet

3. Raynaud’s Syndrome

Sometimes, our arteries decide to slack off their job by not supplying sufficient blood to the skin. This is nothing but Raynaud’s Syndrome selfishly taking control. With the tendency of your fingers and toes to get cold, women have a higher chance of suffering from Raynaud’s syndrome than men. 

You should know that feeling prickly, numb and experiencing a stinging feeling, are some of the symptoms of Raynaud’s Syndrome. Want to keep the disease at bay? All you have to do is wrap yourself up with warm clothes, head scarves, gloves for your hands, mittens for your fingers, and socks for your feet. Make use of hand warmers and foot warmer when traveling outdoors in vehicles.

4. Arterial Disease

The better the blood flow across each part, the better your body will function. Not everyone has that fortune because some unfortunately experience irregular blood flow in the body, causing your hand and feet to turn cold. If you too are one of those people, you might have Arterial Disease. Basically, it’s when the blood is transferred only to limited areas of the body. What this does is that your feet start getting cold and you experience cramps in the legs while walking. 

Though it is incurable, it can be controlled by eating healthy food, having a balanced diet, exercising, doing regular health checkups, and taking the medicines regularly, as prescribed by the doctor.

5. Vitamin B-12 Deficiency

When your body does not have plenty of red blood cells, it’s simply because your body is lacking Vitamin B-12. You could experience anything from nausea and irritability to weight loss, diarrhea and trouble walking when you have a Vitamin B-12 deficiency. This is because the blood cells that provide oxygen to the whole body are not being formed due to a lack of Vitamin B-12. 

Fret not though, because there’s nothing that a proper diet can’t prevent. So if your diet includes rich foods like beef, chicken, fish, eggs, cereals, milk, yogurt, and cheese, your system’s Vitamin B-12 requirement will be maintained. 

How To Prevent Cold Hands And Feet?

If your hands and feet are turning cold every now and then, the steps below will help you keep them warm and protected.

1. By Layering Clothes

You don’t have to be living on a prayer if you cover yourself up with the right amount of layers. It will definitely do your body good against winter chills. You could also wear a hat/cap and a mask to cover your face and head. For hands and legs, something warm and comfy like a sweater, gloves and socks should do the job. 

2. Exercising Regularly

There’s a reason warm up exercises exist. But you can go beyond just warm up exercises because it would be good for your body anyway. Plus regularly exercising helps in blood circulation and to reduce stress. Doesn’t matter what type, something as simple as yoga or running can also make a difference. This at some point helps in maintaining the body temperature on a regular basis.

exercising to prevent cold hands and feet, woman doing yoga

3. Move Regularly

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle or are constantly latched on to one place, you should consciously look to have enough movements. Things like stretching your body and walking definitely helps. But at the same time, doing so helps have better body movements and make sure your blood circulation is maintained properly. 

4. Quick Massage

Massages give relief to the body, especially the affected areas. A quick hand and leg massage is helpful. Beyond the relief you get, it improves blood circulation and gives your body warmth at the same time due to the transference of body heat. 

When To See A Doctor?

But if your body temperature is constantly turning cold, it’s best you err on the side of caution and consult with a doctor. While it might not be something to worry about, having guidance from a doctor will help in identifying what the exact issue is. 

Summing Up

Now that you know what deficiency causes cold hands and feet, you know that it’s nothing for you to be alarmed about. Just make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions and consulting with a doctor if it has persisted for too long. There’s always our body warmers that you could turn to if it’s not a severe medical condition. You can count on them to have your back!


1. What Vitamin Is Good For Cold Feet?

The B3 vitamin is said to be the best as it helps in improving blood circulation and reducing sensitivity. Hence by taking vitamin B3 supplements there is an improvement in blood circulation.

2. Is It Healthy To Have Cold Hands And Feet?

Yes, for the time being, it can depend on the temperature of your body. But if your hands and feet turn cold regularly then there might be something for you to be wary of. It can be due to the flow of the blood, nerve getting damaged, and damage of tissues of fingers and toes.

3. What Should I Eat When My Hands Are Cold?

Foods that help you in keeping your body warm in winter or when your hands turn cold are bananas, sweet potatoes, coffee, ginger tea, and water. The most important thing is to avoid drinking alcohol.


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