9 Common Winter Diseases And Their Preventions
December 02 2022 – Nysh Website

With the winter season around the corner, it’s hard not to forget about the cold and anticipate the festivities that come with the season. Good vibes and good food follow the season, but there is a dark side to winter as well. If you can’t help but be wary of falling prey to unwanted winter diseases, you aren’t wrong to do so.
Fret not! We’re here to guide you on how to steer clear of the 9 common winter diseases trying to befriend you.
Types Of Common Diseases And Their Preventions
The 9 common winter diseases and their preventions are as follows.
1. Common Cold
Like the name suggests, a common cold is nothing but a harmless virus but one you shouldn’t underestimate. Not that it’s deadly but the way it affects your nose and throat can be quite annoying. Most of the time, it is mild and not too harsh, the common cold is caused by various viruses that enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth. Usually, a person who is suffering from a cold has the tendency to spread the disease via droplets in the air. It takes as little as a handshake or a tête-à-tête for this pesky virus to sneak into your system.
Preventing a common cold is not at all a challenging feat. Just keep your hands clean after and before touching communal objects like door knobs, switchboards, electronics, etc. Pro tip: avoid sharing food and water from the same bottles and plates. Warm beverages and soups can be a welcome relief if you’ve already caught a common cold. Don’t forget the basics like staying away from people who are already infected. Last but not the least, keep yourself well hydrated, eat proper nourishing food, and exercise well.
2. Pneumonia
While not one of the deadliest diseases out there, there are enough reasons to take pneumonia seriously. Especially considering it can cause swelling in the air sacs of one or both of your lungs. That ultimately leads to your lungs being infected by a fluid or pus formation. If you experience a burning sensation in the chest area, leading to cough, fever, and shortness of breath, that might be your cue to see a doctor.
In case you’re wondering, the cause can be something as simple as fungus or bacteria entering the body through invisible organisms. Pneumonia happens mainly through the different viruses, funguses, and bacteria present in the air and is transferred to our body unknowingly while we breathe.
Good hygienic habits like washing your hands and keeping your house clean will definitely serve as the first line of defense against pneumonia. Of course, a strong immune system goes a long way too. It’s best to keep your distance from smoking and drinking because they could weaken your system and put you at risk. Beyond these things, avoiding hyper-polluted environments, regular exercise, and leading a healthy lifestyle can help avoid common winter diseases such as pneumonia.
3. Asthma
There’s nothing romantic about your breath being taken away when it’s asthma on the other side. What this chronic disease does is restricts your airflow, resulting in swelling and mucus formation. People suffering from asthma have their breathing pattern affected, making it difficult for them to breathe. Even acts like whistling become difficult.
Asthma is one of those chronic conditions that is not entirely in your control because it could be caused due to genetic factors. Allergies to dust, pets, etc could also contribute to it. All the same, respiratory infections, excessive intake of medications, stress and anxiety, weather fluctuations, and air pollutants could also cause asthma.
Although asthma is an incurable disease, it can be prevented by following some useful steps like taking your medications regularly without fail as prescribed by the doctor. While you’re at it, don’t forget to keep track of your breathing pattern. A smart way to go about it if you have a foggy brain, in general, is to keep reminders on your phone. It goes without saying that inhalers are your best friends and ideally, keep an eye out for signs and symptoms. You’d be wise to get yourself treated before it is too late.
4. Strep Throat
The uneasiness that comes with throat infections can really give you a scary demonic voice at times. Fortunately, strep throat won’t turn you into a demon. It will, however, cause your throat to swell and sting, making it unbearable in some cases. Like most infections, strep throat is caused by bacteria, one that is part of the group of streptococcus bacteria.
As much as you would want to be with people you love when you’re unwell, this infection can actually be passed on from one person to another. It can spread through sharing food or coming into contact with things that are already infected by the person, like switchboards and doorknobs. We don’t mean to scare you but touching your eyes and mouth every now and then makes the infection spread inside you like wildfire.
Strep throat is contagious but it’s one of the common winter diseases that can be prevented by regularly washing your hands. Including foods that are rich in vitamins C and D will certainly strengthen your immune system. Moreover, certain studies indicate that vitamin D works well against streptococcus bacteria. Do not share your food and other belongings like towels, handkerchiefs and bed sheets if you’re infected. If someone is suffering from a strep throat infection, they need to make sure to wash their utensils with warm water to prevent spreading the infection to others.
5. Stomach Flu
Nothing worse than an infection that makes it difficult for you to enjoy munching on your favorite snacks. When you experience a burning sensation in your intestines, chances are, you have stomach flu, also known as gastroenteritis. With stomach flu, several different toxins, bacteria, and viruses like norovirus and rotavirus infect the intestine. Intense pain in your stomach, colon, and intestines are known to be symptom of stomach flu. Don’t be alarmed though, you can easily prevent it.
To begin with, you and your beloved street food should take a break from each other. For good measure, avoid eating and drinking from outside in general. Sure, fruits and vegetables are healthy, but it doesn’t mean you don’t thoroughly wash them before eating. The same goes for meat, you better wash it and cook it well because uncooked meat can be a catalyst for the bacteria to make its way into your system. Word of advice, don’t underestimate the power of basic hygienic practices like thoroughly washing your hands before and after eating.
6. Sinusitis
If your room and garbage bin have been taken over by tissues because your nose has been runny like a sunny-side-up egg, you’d probably have sinusitis to blame. Congestion of the nose and headaches are some of the common symptoms of sinusitis. Basically, what happens is that a hollow space in the body, especially the part behind the face, is affected by sinusitis, leading to a nasal cavity. Then, a thin layer of mucus is formed on the lining inside the nose, trapping the germs and dirt particles due to which the sinuses are activated.
Want to avoid sinusitis? First things first, cut ties with smoking. Dusty environments can also aggravate it so keeping your house clean would certainly make a difference. Maybe even use a humidifier to keep dust particles at bay. Cold water, drinks, and ice cream won’t do you any favors either so best to avoid them. Keep a safe distance from people suffering from cold and flu. You can also put your faith in nasal saline sprays to help against congestion or a blocked nose. One simple home remedy would be a hot water steam with a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil.
7. Joint Pains
You don’t have to be old to experience joint pains as it’s a part and parcel of winter chills. It’s nothing but the swelling of a certain part of the body's joints or just pains. Arthritis is another reason you could experience joint pains, just like any internal or external injury. While we wouldn’t want you to experience any of these, you should know that cancer, lupus, gout, and rickets are some of the causes responsible for pain in the joints.
Exercising regularly definitely has its merits and can do its part in keeping joint pains at bay to some extent. That alone cannot guarantee anything, so living a healthy lifestyle would certainly be in your best interest. Just make sure you don’t overdo any exercises. If you’re unsure, consult with a physical trainer to know what’s best for your body.
Joint pains can also be prevented by controlling your blood sugar, your weight and eating rich foods like fish that are high in Omega 3. Moreover, you can also use heating pads for joints to get relief. Having a warm water bath, and avoiding smoking and drinking are just some other things that can help. These steps will help in keeping your joints healthy and at ease.
8. Bronchitis
For the uninitiated, bronchitis is a disease in which the bronchial tubes and airways are swollen, causing a burning sensation in the body. The ones who fall prey to bronchitis are always seen coughing up thick mucus. This disease is usually caused by vigorously smoking, inhaling polluted and toxic air, or by viruses entering our body through common colds and flu.
Wearing a surgical mask is the first step to preventing or even stopping bronchitis from spreading further. Smoking can be a massive catalyst for bronchitis so you’re better off away from those cancerous sticks. There are vaccines you can take for the same so it’s best to consult with your doctor once if you haven’t already taken the vaccine.
Soups can be your best friend and even warm water with honey and ginger can help soothe your throat if you’re already suffering from bronchitis. A strong immunity also can contribute to preventing bronchitis. Go easy on cold beverages since they could serve as an open invitation for common winter diseases such as bronchitis.
9. Winter Skin Ailments
A winter rash is suffered mainly by people who live in cold regions due to which the skin tends to become dry and develop rashes or get itchy. Essentially, your skin has been dehydrated thanks to the season’s chilly effects. This dehydration of your skin can give rise to skin conditions like rosacea, dermatitis, and cold urticaria.
To treat these harmful rashes, avoid taking extremely hot baths. Use non-foaming moisturizers, body washes, and cleansers. Natural oils are your friend, especially to reduce itchiness. Don’t forget to arm yourself with sunscreen because your face and neck area will certainly thank you for it. In addition, make sure to dress appropriately for winter by using body warmers and layers whenever necessary.
Summing Up
Hope these tips on preventing common winter diseases are beneficial to you in some or another way. But if you’re suffering from any of these and the condition worsens, then it’s best you see a doctor soon. At the end of the day, a healthy lifestyle makes a difference and with some precautions, you should have no reason to not enjoy a happy winter!
What Are The Stages Of Cold?
The stages of getting a severe cold are as follows. Days 1 to 3, you will notice your throat getting sore, followed by a runny nose, pain in the body, and sneezing continuously. This is the first stage. In the second stage, your entire body will start hurting, you will have a continuous cold and cough, and high fever. And the final stage, in which all of the above symptoms gradually fade away, is usually the end of the cold.
How Can We Prevent Seasonal Diseases?
Follow a healthy regimen, cover your mouth when coughing, stay at home if you have the flu, cough, or cold, and avoid touching your mouth, eyes, or nose. These few habits will help you from falling sick and prevent you from getting a seasonal disease.
Does Wet Hair Make You Sick?
According to research, there is no evidence to blame wet hair for falling sick and catching a cold. So, it is clearly a no that wet hair does not make a person fall sick.