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10 Road Trip Essentials: Don't Drive Off Without Them

We can all agree that no mode of travel can replace the sheer joy of a road trip, right?. But you can only truly enjoy a road trip if you have all the essentials in place. Taking a road trip without these essentials is like going sky-diving without a parachute! And to make sure that you don’t drive off without them, we have curated a list of the 10 road trip essentials that you definitely need on your next road trip.

10 Road Trip Essentials

  1. Emergency Equipment
  2. Medical Kit
  3. Documents
  4. Essential Electronic Gadgets
  5. Maps And Guides
  6. Phone Holder
  7. Snacks And Water
  8. An On-the-go Playlist
  9. Sunglasses And Sunscreen
  10. Hygiene Essentials

1. Emergency Equipment

With great road trips come great risks! Especially with uncertain weather and road conditions and a pinch of bad luck, the chances of a break down or flat tire always exist. And we really don’t want your trip to be spoiled by any of these. So it’s always better to equip your car or bike with emergency kits and safety gears.

Make sure that your vehicle has a spare tire, jack, tire iron, jump leads, and a car starter battery pack. Also, stocking your car or bike with all these items alone will not help you during the emergency, so make sure you take a few basic YouTube lessons before you hit the road. And in case your ride breaks down, do not panic, park your vehicle on a safe side of the road, and put all those YouTube tricks you learned into action!

Pro Tip: It’s always better to ensure that there’s enough fuel in your car and air in the tires before you set out on your journey. And if your breakdown service has an app, make sure you download it. So now if anything goes wrong, you at least know that it most definitely is not on you.

2. Medical Kit

Another very important item you need to carry is an ultimate medical kit. Because god forbid if you get in an accident or maybe just get a paper cut, you will need a first-aid kit around. And not just mishaps, road trips could also mean motion sickness among other things, so you will also need some medicines.

For the medical kit to be a complete package, it has to have a mix of both first-aid and other medicines. Bandages, cotton, antiseptic creams and solutions, pills for motion sickness and diarrhea, glucose, and a pair of scissors are some of the must-haves. Now that you have reinforcements just in case, let’s hope that you won’t have to deal with any of it.

Pro Tip: If you or any of your friends suffer from motion sickness, then it’s better to eat light on the journey. All the same, let’s just be smart and drive carefully and say a big no-no to drunk driving!

3. Documents

Before you start your journey, check that you have all important and updated documents like your license, registration, insurance, PUC certificate, or any special permits. This will only help you stay away from any kind of cop drama and have a road trip as smooth as butter!

4. Essential Electronic Gadgets

We don’t even leave our phone in another room of our house, so there’s no chance we’re going to forget our phone on a road trip! With that, you’ll also need the fuel for your phone, i.e. your charger. But you might find it difficult to find a plug-in point on a road trip, so it’s better to carry a power bank along.

Has there ever been a road trip without pictures? Hell no! So don’t forget to carry your camera and its charger, and a USB cable as a backup. Also carry a flashlight, in case your phone battery dies out and you actually need one.

5. Maps And Guides

Thanks to GPS, we don’t have to go through the trouble of figuring out paper maps. So switch on the maps on your smartphone, put in your destination, and let the lady guide you through the routes.

Also, to make your road trip even better, you can get your hands on some travel guides. There are many destination specific guides out there, so maybe carry those to get an idea of the best restaurants, accommodations, and attractions around the place.

Pro Tip: Do not blindly trust the GPS, ask your ego to take a backseat and ask for directions from the locals instead of going around in circles.

6. Phone Holder

It’s great if you have a companion on your road trip, especially someone with the skills to understand the GPS! If you do, then do not ever lose them because they’re precious, and you won’t need a phone holder if you got them with you.

But if you’re pulling off a solo road trip, then by all means get a phone holder. Now just keep your phone on the holder with your GPS on, start the engine, and just follow the instructions without the struggle to check your phone every other minute while driving.

7. Snacks And Water

Food, the one thing that makes any dull day better. Carry lots of snacks along because you never know when you’ll come across a good restaurant along the way. Word to the wise, carry more dry snacks so you don’t have to worry about anything getting spoiled.

Carry a reusable water bottle to avoid buying a new one at every pit stop, and just fill it up from a hygienic restaurant or so.

Pro Tip: Also, carry an extra bottle of water in case your vehicle needs a cool down.

8. Winter Jackets & Warmers

Blankets and warmers are essential for staying warm on a winter road trip. If you're planning on spending any time outside, be sure to pack a few extra blankets to keep you warm. You may also want to consider bringing a portable heater or foot warmer, especially if you're camping or staying in a cold cabin.

9. Sunglasses And Sunscreen

A pair of sunglasses are always your best friend, especially on a sunny day of your road trip. So carry your sunglasses, because the darker the lenses the cooler the effect and the better the journey! Also, if you don’t want to get a stubborn tan on your skin, make sure to carry an effective sunscreen with you.

10. Hygiene Essentials

If you’re a Monica, then you definitely need to carry some hygiene essentials along with you. Tissues, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and a hand towel are some of the items to carry. Long hours of riding means embracing pollution. And unfortunately, you won’t always come across a clean bathroom on the road, that’s where wet wipes, sanitizers, and tissues help. Throw some garbage bags in the mix and you’re all set for a clean and mess-free road trip!

Summing Up

Trust us, these 10 road trip essentials are sure to make your journey hassle-free. Now that you have this list in front of you, all you need to do is refer to it and gear up for that much-awaited road trip!


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